

CERN Optics Repository => Click on MC


1) Proton driver

- ?

2) Front End

- ?

3) Cooling => Info sent by Chris Rogers on 25/08/2021

- MuonCooling_LatticesFromChrisRogers. Some more info from Chris: It has the front end from target including some initial transverse cooling, but for the 201 MHz. It has an HFoFo, but gas-filled. It has rectilinear cooling. I don't have:
* charge separation (Rick Fernow did it, according to Scott, who should have the files somewhere),
* bunch merge (Yu Bao, now in ihelp - -, did it, according to Scott),
* final cooling (Hisham Sayed did it, but might not have kept the files).

The lattices are all "stand alone". There is no integration. The lattices are described in the "geometry_description" folder.

4) Acceleration

- ?

5) Collider

5.1) Info sent by Mark Palmer on 03/05/2021

- readme.txt: In this repository are included the main working versions of the muon collider rings described in the paper "Muon Collider Lattice Concepts", JINST 13 P11002 (2018) and FERMILAB-PUB-18-301-APC: the Higgs factory for E_c.o.m=125GeV and high-energy colliders with E_c.o.m=1.5 TeV and 3.0 TeV. 

For E_c.o.m=6.0 TeV only the Interaction Region with beta*=3mm was designed by the Fermilab team. 
It is based - like HF and 3.0 TeV MC - on the quadruplet final focus.
Also included is the E_c.o.m=6.0 TeV SLAC design with beta*=10mm  which - like 1.5 TeV MC - is based on the doublet final focus.

- All the files:

5.2) Info sent by Kyriacos Skoufaris and Christian Carli on 06/05/2021

- Slightly updated version the MAP 3TeV original madx file in order to improve the file readability and to add some markers (no optics difference from the original MAP madx file): MC3.0TeV_v1.1.madx‎.